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24 May, 2021

Hello, world. Meet Developer Nation!
byVanessa MeasominTips

It’s a new era for our community, Developer Economics is now Developer Nation. Our vision is a software development ecosystem that listens, empowers, and supports software creators to pursue continuous learning, build future-forward solutions without compromises. We want to help you feel confident in your technology choices and included in the conversation about the future of the ecosystem.

AngularJS development tools
AngularFireAngularJSdeveloper toolsDjangularJasmineKarmaMocha Js

13 May, 2021

AngularJS development tools for 2021

With the help of AngularJS development tools, you can easily create a platform to promote your business—from a simple interface to comparatively complex applications. The following are top trending AngularJS platforms that are growing in popularity by the day:

Infographic: Programming Language adoption trends 2021

11 May, 2021

Infographic: Programming languages adoption trends 2021

In our last infographic, JavaScript was the most popular programming language. What has changed in terms of the sizes in the last six months? You can find the answers in this infographic with key findings from our Developer Economics 20th edition survey, which ran between November 2020 and February 2021 and reached 19,000 developers worldwide.

cloud-native database

05 May, 2021

The search for a cloud-native database

Cloud-native applications need cloud-native databases to achieve the next stage of maturity and scale, but what is a cloud-native database? Let’s try to define what it means and figure out how it relates to Kubernetes.

7 DevOps books to read in 2021

22 April, 2021

7 DevOps books to read in 2021

If you are looking to learn more about Ansible, Azure, Docker, Terraform, Kubernetes, and their roles in DevOps, then this blog post is for you. We continue our series of must-read books with 7 DevOps books to read in 2021, as recommended by our friends at Packt.

Powering up your backend knowledge? Our friends at Packt have shared five backend books you should read in 2021.

25 March, 2021

Five backend books you should read in 2021.

Powering up your backend knowledge? Our friends at Packt have shared five backend books you should read in 2021.

Developers influence technology decisions

04 March, 2021

Coding the Future: How Developers Embrace and Adopt Emerging Technologies

As the popularity of a technology ebbs and flows, so does its impact, and when it comes to software development practices, few recent technologies have exerted as profound an influence as DevOps. This technology has become truly mainstream, seeing widespread adoption across software sectors, industries, and roles. We are delighted to say that, for these […]

Developer prizes

03 March, 2021

Developer prizes: Look who’s won in our 20th-anniversary survey prize draw and Referral Program.

We’re super excited to announce the winners of our 20th Developer Economics prize draw. Thanks to all of you who took the time to contribute to the developer ecosystem.

Five frontend books you should read in 2021

25 February, 2021

Five frontend books you should read in 2021

What skills are you planning to learn as a frontend developer this year? Our friends at Packt have shared five frontend books you should read in 2021.

What do developers value in open source?

21 January, 2021

Why do developers adopt or reject cloud technologies?

In the nearly fifteen years since Amazon AWS cracked open the cloud market by releasing S3 – and changed the world by doing so – there has been huge growth in the variety of cloud solutions available for developers to use. We examine the different reasons that developers give for adopting or rejecting cloud technologies. The findings shared in this post are based on the Developer Economics survey 19th edition which ran during June-August 2020 and reached more than 17,000 developers in 159 countries.

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