27 June, 2019
JavaScript is and remains the queen of programming languages. Its community of 11.7M developers is the largest of all languages. In 2018, 2.5M developers joined the community: the highest growth in absolute numbers and more than the entire population of Swift, Ruby, or Kotlin developers, amongst others.
05 October, 2018
Here are some of the most interesting insights from the latest State of the Developer Nation 15th edition, based on the data from 20,500+ developers in 167 countries, who took part in our Developer Economics survey in May-June this year. We reveal top skills developers want to learn in 2019, the most popular programming languages globally, and to how many developers are big data and real-time predictions relevant.
10 April, 2018
We recently published brand new State of the Developer Nation report 14th edition, based on the insights from our Developer Economics survey which ran in Q4 2017 and reached over 21,700 developers in 169 countries. We reveal developers’ thoughts on which emerging tech will have the most impact in the next 5 years, the future of serverless platforms, the most promising AR/VR hardware, and the most popular programming languages that make it all possible.
08 April, 2015
Despite losing in the platform wars, Microsoft’s developer ecosystem is still strong and they’re not showing much sign of wanting to give up their tools. The latest Developer Economics survey showed that 38% of mobile developers were using C# for some of their work and 16% use it as their main language. Those developers are not all focused on Microsoft platforms by a long way. So what are they doing?
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