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Bash in Windows
gitlinuxnodejsopen sourcewindows 10windows bash

13 June, 2016

Using Bash in Windows – today
byAngelos ChaidasinPlatforms

The soon-to-be-released Windows Subsystem for Linux is a brilliant. Nevertheless, there is no need to wait for Microsoft to make WSL available to everyone. I’ve been using Bash in Windows – in my daily workflow – for the last 5 years and it’s working like a charm. If you want to do the same, read on.

100 developers in the world

25 May, 2016

If there were 100 Developers in the world

Have you ever asked yourselves what would the world be like if there were only 100 developers in it? Well even if you haven’t, we are sure we have just made you think about it.
Based on our Developer Economics survey that reaches 30,000+ devs per year, across mobile, IoT, cloud, desktop, AR/VR, machine learning , we designed a very interesting Infographic illustrating this scenario.


26 April, 2016

How many IDEs does it take to create a programmer?

Integrated Development Environments have evolved to solve every problem a developer can have, but in recent years we’ve seen a scaling back of capabilities as developers embrace more-basic options. At VisionMobile our latest developer survey is (amongst other things) trying to find out why, though we do have some ideas on the subject.

mobile development

19 April, 2016

Angelo Kastroulis – Mobile Development Runs Deep

Developer Profile: Angelo Kastroulis At VisionMobile, we believe in the people behind the numbers. While it’s important to understand numbers, trends and segments, it’s equally important to understand the people who buy our products and services. This developer profile is one in a series designed to help us get to know some of the people […]

Developer Experience

24 March, 2016

Every year software developers get less experienced

That might sound odd, but it’s one of many conclusions draw from our biannual study, and presented in our (free) State of the Developer Nation report. The report draws on data from the world’s-biggest survey of those working in software, which reached more than 21,000 developers, and found that they have less experience than they did a year ago.

cloud and desktop developers

11 March, 2016

Cloud & Desktop Developer Landscape

How are desktop and cloud development evolving? We’ve prepared an infographic with some key insights that can help you better understand the cloud and desktop developer landscape, based on our recent report focusing on the topic.


07 March, 2016

The Rise of the Chat Bots?

Developers struggling to get noticed on the app stores, or hoping to capitalise on the growth of enterprise messaging, are looking to a new way to reach their users – via a chat interface. The logic of reaching users where they spend the most time seems sound, and that is clearly in messaging apps.

artificial intelligence

17 February, 2016

The Significance of AlphaGo: Has a golden age for artificial intelligence just dawned?

In recent years artificial intelligence (AI) has returned to the forefront of technological debate. That debate has moved on from when, and even whether, computers will ever display intelligent behaviour to how smart they will get, how quickly, and what the implications are for society. Although there are multiple approaches to creating AIs, the ones that involve machine learning from large datasets are generally outperforming all others.

best practices for a successful IoT developer program

15 February, 2016

Best Practices for a successful IoT Developer Program

Events and training programs are a main component in many developer programs for IoT – but just how effective are they? This infographic sheds some light into the effectiveness of training and events, based on our Best Practices for IoT Developer Programs report.


04 February, 2016

Developer stories: Mobile Development Runs Deep

At VisionMobile, we believe in the people behind the numbers. While it’s important to understand numbers, trends and segments, it’s equally important to understand the people who buy our products and services. This developer profile is one in a series designed to help us get to know some of the people behind the statistics.

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