10 December, 2019
First of all – thank you. Thank you for taking, or even for just considering taking, our Developer Economics Survey. Some of you have given us feedback (yes, we do read all of it!) asking what the survey is about, where we use the data, why we do this, and “who are you people anyway”? […]
18 September, 2019
Another Developer Economics Survey came to an end on the 13th of August. The Developer Economics Q2 2019 Survey ran from the 19th of June and once again it has been very exciting, fun and nerve racking! During this period, developers from all over the world, with various backgrounds had their voices heard. Here are some survey fast facts:
Contact us
Swan Buildings (1st floor)20 Swan StreetManchester, M4 5JW+441612400603community@developernation.net