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October 19, 2022

Giving back to the community with our Donation Program
byAyan PahwainCommunity

The Developer Nation surveys are designed in a way that giving back to the community becomes an integral part of them. For each survey wave we run  we donate 0.10$ to the favourite charities of our Developer Nation Community. The goal is to reach at least $2000 in donations.

 During our 23rd Developer Nation global survey, we collected  a total of 26,183 qualified responses, that means we were able to meet and surpass our goal by donating $2,618- and support the causes that you care about. 

Though most of these organisations and NGOs are developer centric, helping people learn software development and grow in their career,  we welcome more diversity in theorgs we are supporting . You can use the comments section below and add your suggestions.i

For  the 23rd Developer Nation global survey, here is the list of organisations we donated to: 

#1 freeCodeCamp :

The mission of freeCodeCamp is to help people learn code for free. I’m personally a huge fan of the work they are doing and have myself learned quite a bit from there. A total of 7979 survey participants picked them for support so we were able to donate $798 to freeCodeCamp.


The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a nonprofit with a worldwide mission to promote computer user freedom. A total of 5622 participants picked FSF, hence we were able to donate $562 to support their cause. 

#3 Women Who Code

Women Who Code (WWCode) is an international nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. We donated $528 to help support the cause of this wonderful inclusive organisation. They have many local chapters around the world, so if you’re a woman who is trying to learn to code or find some mentorship, the Women Who Code community and local chapter is definitely a place to look for. 

#4 The Ocean Cleanup

A non-profit organisation on a mission to develop and scaling technologies to rid the oceans of plastic. A much needed cause to support in order to sustain the ecological balance or marine ecosystems. Our developer community has enabled us to donate $470 to them.

#5 ada developer academy

Ada developer academy offers an immersive and intentional coding school prioritising community over competition. It’s very welcoming and inclusive and we were able to donate $261 for their cause.

It really feels great to give back to the community in a way that can help them further their noble cause and create a more sustainable ecosystem for everyone to live and thrive in.

We’re truly grateful to our community members who have enabled us to do this and without your survey participation it won’t be possible so we extend our thank you and promise to continue to do this in future.

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