September 21, 2021
In Developer Nation we have been supporting developers and organisations who help developers since 2019. The way we do this is through our donation program during our Global Developer Surveys. Every 6 months we donate $1,800-$2,000 to each organisation. So far, we’ve supported the Raspberry Pi Foundation, Black Girls Code, Techfugees, and Women in Big Data (South Africa).
For our 21st Developer Nation survey, we wanted to get developers more involved in the process. What changed this time?
Developers who participated in our latest survey wave got to choose the organisation they wished to support. Each developer taking the survey raised the donation amount by $0.10. There were 5 different organisations to choose from.
These were:
Based on the donation choices of the developers participating in our 21st Developer Nation Survey, we can proudly announce our donation to each program, as shown below. We are excited to know that we have such a diverse community that apart from empowering others to enter the developer ecosystem, are also mindful of our natural ecosystem:
Thanks to those who participated in our Developer Nation survey & helped make this happen!
Special thanks to prize winners and our affiliates – Michael Rabenandrasana and Sanchit Khurana- who have donated their prizes value and payments to the above charities.
We also received some great input and suggestions on other organisations we should support in the future, and invite you to share your ideas too, so we can keep supporting developers and make a difference. We will make sure to add them on our donation list in our upcoming surveys.
Contact us
Swan Buildings (1st floor)20 Swan StreetManchester, M4